The current issues - before 2014
The issues affecting me personally and the fight I have on behalf of better part of HUMANITY.
13.12.2013 - The decisions from the 2 Appeals against Bar Association of Queensland and
Ms Atkinson heard on 08.10.2013 by Judges McMurdo; Mullins; Lyons - became available.
No surprises.
(SC Number : 928/13 - CA NUMBER: 3595/13 and CA NUMBER: 5272/13)
(details - aa_baq1_sc_order.html)
The transcripts of the hearing - to compare how garbage is produced as the 'reasons' for judges maintenance of rottennes of the 'system'.
01.12.2013 - The Appeal against Bar Association of Queensland and Mr Fryberg has been set for 18 February 2014.
(case from 26.07.2013) (SC NUMBER : 6041/13 - CA NUMBER: 7082/13)
(details - a_baq_invoice_2appeal.html)
01.12.2013 - The Apeal against Queensland Crime and Misconduct Commission and Mr Boddice has not date set as yet. Likely spring of 2014.
(case from 10.10.2013) (SC NUMBER : 4516/13 - CA NUMBER: 9591/13)
(details - a_cmc_2appeal.html)
06.11.2013 - ‘Judge’ Boddice made painlessly the order to protect his Mafioso friends. In the process poor bastard put his mosquito size brain in overdrive and got confused. REAL JUDGES are expected to give reasons WITH the order and not MONTHS AFTER pronouncing the order, you MORON!
You should have taken your time to THINK about the reasons FIRST and not NOW try to invent ‘plausible’ excuses.
‘Reasons’ for that order have been 'revised' by Boddice and received over a month later after the actual hearing - typical case of hiding the truth by that feudal, rotten anglo system which claims that court process is 'open', 'transparent', 'public', etc.
Transcripts and the reasons are not formally published in this case, and with only the ‘order’ accessible to public - nobody would know that I actually asked Boddice for the evidence of his judicial competence, nobody would know that he refused to disclose it.
(details - a_cmc.html)
23.10.2013 - Judge Fryberg, after 3 months delay, provided 'revised' 'reasons' for his order in favour of his mates from Bar Association of Queensland. Of course, he is a bit shy about his mates affairs, therefore his order has not been 'officially' published on - as it should be.
Like a typical anglo judge he has problem differentiating between ‘opinion’ (his own personal) and ‘reasons’ (judicial overview of the evidence and arguments)
10.10.2013 - Case against Queensland Crime and Misconduct Commission, demanding that my Claim against them to be struck out, was heard by judge David Boddice. When I quoted to him the provisions of various laws including Article 14 of The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (the right to be heard by the competent tribunal) and I asked him for the evidence of his judicial competence he gave me the answer - ' this is not going to happen'.
2 questions I stated before him remain unanswered
- do I have the right to the protection by law ? (as a non anglo and non lawyer)
- does CMC has duty to protect me against organized crime ?
(me - as a non anglo and non lawyer)
(details - a_cmc.html)
08.10.2013 - 2 Appeals in Supreme Court heard by Judges McMurdo; Mullins; Lyons.
I repeated the question I intend to ask at every court appearance. This was particularly important in this case when I relied on the principle of ‘Nemo iudex in causa sua’.
'Queensland legal system – is it a dodgy, shabby back yard operation or respectable legal system complying with international rules, standards and obligations.'
Decision reserved.
(details - a_battlefield_2appeal.html)
28.08.2013 - I lodged Appeal from Fryberg decisions. (details - a_baq_invoice.html)
26.07.2013 - Judge Fryberg admitted that he received 'financial benefit' from Bar Association of Queensland BUT he still considers himself 'impartial' person to hear a court case against them?
25.07.2013 - Judge Fryberg confirmed that if I represent myself
in Court (self-advocacy without lawyers) I have exactly the same rights and 'privileges' as barristers. More here
22.07.2013 - I lodged applications in Court seeking the 'IMMUNITY' - the same as barrister have and
I am eligible for as an 'advocate' .
03.07.2013 - New battlefront -
It is only fair that barristers pay their bills when due – as in the case of them paying my Invoice for the service I provided to them.
(details - a_baq_invoice.html)
12.08.2013 - A letter from CMC saying that 'we will ask our mafioso friends in court to sweep this matter under the carpet'.
(details - a_cmc.html)
03.07.2013 - My reply to their application. They are going to face the Court as DEFENDANTS !
20.06.2013 - Received Notice of Intention to Defend by CMC. Just on the last day before I could ask the court to issue the order dissolving the CMC? - yes, Courts can issue such orders.
20.05.2013 - New battlefront - Queensland Crime and Misconduct Commission as you should know them. They are the main tool in pretending that everything is sweet in moonshine State.
Boys and girls - lets go to Court of Law to sort out this matter !
The subject of my application to the Court relates to the issues of:
* the lack of respect for the human rights in Queensland;
* racist attitude, discrimination and vilification of people who are not lawyers and not of anglo origin and
who represent themselves in courts;
* denial of the protection by law to those people;
* treatment of those people by 'public institutions' and courts as SECOND CLASS CITIZENS.
(Those usurpers of 'authority' have tendency to look at non anglo Australians as 'albino black fellows')
Latin canon ‘Nemo iudex in causa sua’ means 'no-one should be a judge in their own cause' and is
the basic component of the ‘natural justice’ concept and the internationally recognized principle.
I am asking for clarification of that matter by John Dowd The President of
Australian Section
of The International Commission of Jurists.
Reply letter HERE
(With 'answer' as expected from a lawyer!)
07.06.2013 - The 'judgement' by Ms Atkinson for the 'setting aside' and 'strike out' my application involved juggling of irrelevant 'authorities' instead of rational look at BAQ conduct.
Particularly, an attempt to disqualify 'service' as not a part of 'trade or commerce' is preposterous.
Appeal lodged. (details - a_battlefield.html)
13.05.2013 - I am appealing the order of Judge Roslyn G Atkinson from 17.04.2013,
of not disqualifying herself from hearing of the case Markan v Bar Association of Queensland and given during the unlawful ‘hearing’ in breach of internationally recognized legal principles.
I requested Ms Atkinson to show respect for the legal system she is working for, the respect for court procedures and for her own senior judicial colleagues who should have the opportunity to express their views in relation to my Appeal application.
I brought to her attention the classical rule of ‘Nemo iudex in causa sua’ that means, literally,
no-one should be a judge in their own cause and which has been recognized and applied extensively in anglo and international law ( and which she broke ). She rejected my application.
During the next part of the hearing BAQ lawyers argued to strike out my application on the basis of s 171 of Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 as disclosing no reasonable cause of action, etc.
I brought to Court attention so called ‘Balfour Declaration’ as the example that making a legal promise has consequences and is legally binding and so are BAQ letters to me !
Ms Atkinson reserved making decision.
17.04.2013 -
Ms Atkinson was adamant that she is an 'impartial' person to hear the case against her colleagues from ' Bar Association of Queensland ' . Since I made a formal court application against her and she choose to preside over that court hearing she already showed her version of 'impartiality' by being a judge in her very own case.
Next hearing will be on 24.04.2013 .
04.04.2013 -
To reduce public awareness the matter has not been listed neither on official court web list, newspaper nor even in court itself . Quite quickly Mr De Jersey determined that it will be up to
Ms Atkinson to decide if she wants to disqualify herself.
14.03.2013 -
Possibly anticipating my intention to make a submission
the judge Ms Philippides declared at the start that she is
a ' judicial member ' of ' Bar Association of Queensland '
and therefore , due to the conflict of interest , she is disqualifying herself from hearing the case .
I thanked her for her decision .
After few hours she informed me that Ms Roslyn G Atkinson volunteered to be an 'impartial arbiter' as she is not
a ' judicial member ' of ' BAQ ' .
Ms Atkinson is known to me : mafiosos and sacredcow
05.03.2013 -
BAQ applied to court ' to have the claim struck ' as disclosing no reasonable cause of action . Hearing in this mattter will be on 14.03.2013 .
04.02.2013 - I have lodged in the ‘ Supreme Court ‘ the case against Bar Association of Queensland. ( case no 928/13 )
Since that mafia organisation masquearading as a legitimate outfit is openly protecting antisocial, criminal conduct ; shows contemptuous attitude and predatory means when dealing with other members
of the community and encouraging disrespect for the ‘ law ‘ -
I am asking the court also :
- to declare Bar Association of Queensland as criminal organisation and to disband it ,
- to declare those people as ‘ not fit and proper ‘ of holding any position in Queensland requiring trustworthiness and honesty and to issue the order prohibiting those people from applying or holding such positions in Queensland .
Restrictions put on my life as the conditions of ' parole ' ended on 28.10.2012
Over 1 year going through courts ; 2.5 years in prison ; 1.5 years on ' parole ' ... and for what ?!
For not allowing a mongrel to beat me up ! For taking care not to hurt him too much !
I feel that I have been vindicated and my version of the incident has been proven in court by the fact that when this person attempted to gain extra money on the whole affair EVEN Queensland judge acknowledged that he is dealing with habitual liar . and racistattack and zissues3
That fact is known to Queensland Police , Queensland Department Of Public Prosecutions , judiciary and lawyers involved - and they choose to remain silent .
I would have to look up in the dictionary for the most vile expressions to describe those people and supporting them ' government ' and ' legal ' organizations .
The manure of our society - seems to be not too rude and crude but appropriate !
I can only now publish the photos
used by those scum bags to provide 'the evidence' in 'court of law' of my
'crime' (after the specific order from Queensland Parole Board became irrelevant)
( zissues3 )
People who claim publicly some kind of ‘ethical‘ participation in the operation of ‘legal system‘ are receiving emails about thievery, corruption, depravity, lies and rottenness of that system (with references given).
Some hypocrites chose to expose themselves as the rapists of the truth and justice .
Recently a petty little creature, victorian barrister Daniel Aghion, rather emphatically said that he does not want to know about his colleagues shameful conduct by sending me
24 ( twenty four ) requests to be removed from the mailing list . Who is that spiteful man providing testimony of contempt of justice and the evidence of ' legal industry ' being a model for sewerage system ?
There is a stench of the ‘ tradition ‘ of certain tribe on his web page (
He says that he - ‘ maintains an abiding interest in the community, and believes that those who have benefited professionally from the law carry an obligation to return some of that benefit to the community ‘ .
Obviously before they can give something back to the community they firstly need to take something OUT from the community , don`t they ?
The easiest way is to charge desperate or distressed people in the society an hourly fee as big as most of us earn in a week . That is for doing nothing tangible but solely for feeding lies , deceitfulness , manipulation , trickery and making elusive promises .
And what he actually gives back to the society ?
NOTHING really , but it sounds good when he says that he does , doesn`t it ?
Outrageous arrogance in claiming that he makes meaningful contribution to the society !
The public awareness campaign reaches to all those who should know but prefer to pretend they do not know
( they DO NOT WANT to know ) .
Typical answer from one of main bogus organisations created to con people into belief that in this ‘ system ‘ there are ‘ checks and balances ‘ .
I contacted ' Crime Protection Commission ' few times before and their answer was always - 'judges' said that you received a ' fair trial ' , so get lost .
They are involved in facilitating concealment of abuses of the legal process and suppression of inconvenient material which shows how the Queensland legal system operates in practice
(; ) .
It is a parody of justice that the body officially created to enforce the laws of this country is involved in condoning and encouraging criminal behaviour .
What Salman Rushdie would do if he received such " threatening message " from people who do not like Satanic Verses ???
The complaint about ' spamming ' made by Queensland barrister Alex Nelson
> [ Offending message ]
> Return-path:<bounce-mc.us4_8289401.29289-
> Envelope-to: x
> Delivery-date: Tue, 07 Feb 2012 22:11:02 +1100
> Received: from ([])
> by with esmtp (Exim 4.69)
> (envelope-from<bounce-mc.us4_8289401.29289-
Alexiey - thank you for providing additional , independent evidence about the character of Queensland barristers . Like others I mentioned on personal pages , you pretend not to see crooks in your ranks and instead you jump to their defence trying to shut up the messenger .