I want to encourage people who have understanding of the depravity
the ‘system’, who have nothing to lose because of age or
other circumstances, are not afraid of possibility
being declared
‘bankrupt’ by the bankrupt system, have health problems -
to do something positive for the humanity when they still can.
Bar Association of Queensland - 3
An average person thinks that when it comes to ‘human rights’ or ‘civil rights’ situation in Australia is quite good. Brainwashing, 'education' system and propaganda are doing their job.
Nobody, publicly, raises the issue of modern slavery created by insidious banking system and economy ruled by mythical ‘market forces’.
Nobody talks that FEUDALISM did not end as yet in Australia.
We have formal, legalized ‘ruling class’ or ‘master race’ or ‘first class citizens’ still in place and in power. I am talking about eg. Constitution of Queensland 2001 - section 59.
In other states there is very similar situation.
Bar Association of Queensland has created and been running very successful criminal organisation with its tentacles reaching to every element of society control.
Governments, government`s departments, agencies, commissions are infiltrated and often fully controlled by current or (nominally) former members of that organisation.
Great success was achieved by subduing control of political parties and gaining domination of so called ‘parliament’ where ‘laws’ are ‘created’, often for the exclusive benefit of that Mafia organisation.
However the greatest benefit was gained by obtaining the monopoly for the staffing the position of ‘judges’ in courts. That monopoly was acquired by the insidious work of BAQ stooges in Parliament who created within legitimate Constitution of Queensland 2001 a loophole
59 Appointment of judges
(1) The Governor in Council, by commission, may appoint a barrister or solicitor of the Supreme Court of at least 5 years standing as a judge
Selected, trusted Mafia members, ‘lucky ones’, were offered close to A$ 1 million
a year in various benefits for their role of playacting that they are ‘independent’ and
for clandestinely looking after other Mafiosos financial interest in ‘legally’ robbing susceptible members of the society.
(they call it - ‘transfer’ of wealth)
As Mafia appointed ‘judges’ they corruptly obtained positions of so called ‘authority’ within legitimate legal system (as one of pillars of democracy) utilizing the deception
of ‘normality’, ’fairness’ and ‘justness’ which has been making financial miracles for both judges and lawyers/barristers.
Such CARTEL has proven to be great success and has been operating without any hassles due to control by Mafia any public organization where nominal task is to protect residents of Queensland from the abuse.
Barristers/lawyers are looking at themselves as the new breed of pompous, self-presumed 'master race', as 'first class citizens', who through lawyer infested legislatures introduced 'laws' giving themselves monopolistic privilege of FULL CITIZENS RIGHTS and they are able to FULLY participate in a democratic process of governing a state or a country while 'lawfully', 'legally' - with openly and publicly displayed contempt - deprived such right to 99% of the other 'second class citizens' kept in apartheid conditions.
31.03.2014 - I have lodged in the ‘ Supreme Court ‘ the case against Bar Association of Queensland for NOT PAYING my Invoice for another valuable service I provided them.
STATEMENT OF CLAIM lodged in Supreme Court - 31.03.2014
22.04.2014 - Bar Association of Queensland invented nice trick for anyone to use.
If you owe somebody money and they take you to court - just declare them to be 'vexatious' people. Precedence just about to be made - banks will be ruined.
28.04.2014 - To reduce descriptions in public records Bar Association of Queensland applied for the ‘extension of time’ to lodge the required, formal ‘Notice of intention to defend’ against my Claim in Supreme Court against them (BAQ3).
When questioned why BAQ cannot furnish a simple document within 28 days as everyone else, ‘Queensland legal professional’ gave a unique excuse – the claim cannot be replied to properly.
During the hearing Ms. Atkinson asked me to remove the references to her on this web site and then in a fashion typical to anglo judge perfidy she said -
'But it won’t poison my mind against you in hearing this application'
I should have thanked her for providing another evidence of fake 'impartiality' and 'fairness' and Cartel arrangements and collusion between lawyers and judges in courts.
If ‘zero’ had not been invented she would be a model for it.
Couple of applications lodged in Supreme Court Registry before the hearing on 30 July 2014
Selection of neutral, independent and impartial arbiter to preside over the court hearing in this case.
Reject BAQ application for the ‘vexatious order’ against me
Declaring Bar Association of Queensland as the vexatious ‘person’
Affidavit 1
Affidavit 2
30.07.2014 - Court hearing against Bar Association of Queensland. I pointed out at the start the illegality of the current selection process of judges as per my long time standing,
and which is based on valid, existing laws - Australian and International.
People who usually portray themselves as ‘human rights champions’ applied in court to deprive me such rights by asking for ‘vexatious person order’ against me. Few other issues as above as well. Mr Alan Wilson will state his opinion about those matters at a later date.
20.08.2014 - Received the copy of the hearing transcript against Bar Association of Queensland from 30.07.2014 . I raised the issue of illegality of the current arrangements of selection of judiciary. More people should be making such public statements to force the change.
Are we going to have a plumber or an engineer as a judge and not exclusively lawyers from self proclaimed ‘master breed’?
"Mr Wilson, you are not my equal. You cannot be judge to people who are not your equals. It says clearly in Magna Carta."
Due to the length of the hearing –
BAQ lawyers prattle about my legal fights with them,
to claim the need for a 'vexatious order’ against me, is separated.
Do lawyers know the 'law'?
Those mongrels are so arrogant that they forget about observing basic legal principles and rules because they think that other people do not have literacy skills to read so called ‘laws’. In this case I caught them making idiotic mistakes and assuming that it will go in court without any notice. Few other issues about this rotten system kept quiet by lawyers, judges and ‘vierhushka’.
15.09.2014 - Received comments by Wilson about the case against Queensland Bar Association. He shows to be typical Queensland moron lawyer who does not know much about basic legal principles, eg.
** At(53) he calls Magna Carta and The Statute of Monopolies ‘not binding legislation’ in Queensland. He has not heard about ‘Imperial Acts Application Act 1984’ which says at (5) Preserved Imperial enactments
Each Imperial enactment specified in Schedule 1 shall, from the commencement of this Act, continue to have the same force and effect (if any) as it had in Queensland immediately prior to the commencement of this Act.
** At (50) he proposes quite bizarre idea that Constitution is not the primary law any more but it is a subject to rules made up by morons like himself
** At (51) he says that we, all people living in Queensland, are ‘legally’ deprived of our human rights and the recognition as human beings.
OY, Wilson –
I do not need your favour to grant me dignity and rights as a human being.
I have had them since my birth !
19.09.2014 - The case against Queensland Bar Association.
Lodged with court my protest against idiotic comments by Wilson (as Notice to appeal).
17.10.2014 -
I lodged with court my Outline of arguments against comments by Wilson regarding the court hearing on 30.07.2014
07.11.2014 - BAQ lawyers sent me a letter with their Arguments for the Appeal.
In point ‘f’ they refer to the page 4 of the transcripts of the hearing as ‘the evidence’ that they received ‘the leave of court to lodge the application’ as required by Vexatious Proceedings Act 2005 section 5.2.
They also had the audacity to claim the same thing in the letter to Civil List Manager of the Supreme Court.
No leave was granted until Wilson came to the rescue of his friends
by granting on 15.09.2014 (10 weeks later) the leave of court!
hearing transcript - part 1
hearing transcript - part 2
hearing transcript - part 3
07.11.2014 - BAQ lawyers sent me their Arguments for the Appeal.
Familiar attitude of Queensland lawyers – lies, BIG LIES, deception, misrepresentation, dishonesty, distortion of facts, manipulation of the evidence.
my replyto lawyers.html
25.05.2015 - Continuation of my fight with the corrupt, rotten, feudal, pseudo, anglo ‘legal system’.
In practice courts are operating on the ‘implied’ permit from parties, implied by the fact that people accept that someone sitting when they are standing has to be the ‘right’ person to make the decision. Very rarely there is a ‘declared’ or `affirmed’ permit by parties to allow the court and judges to operate.
So, this time I chose to formally state that:
I’m not giving you my permission to act as judges in this case.
against barristers in court