Have you been 'fined'? I was. "2.1"

image The case HOLL-MAG-3763/15 in Holland Park magistrate court (Brisbane) 29.01.2016 - 'disobeying the speed limit'

Initially, I thought that it will be 3 stage fight, but after collecting more information I think that there will be 4 stages.
There is no ‘hokus pokus’ magic formula. It will be a long fight but I have time. In my case next hearing will be on 06.05 because earlier, proposed by magistrate dates, conflicted with my yoga and dancing classes. Other people can organize earlier hearing dates.
Myself, I look at the anglo court system as a low grade theatre, just a show of bullshit artistry.
It has absolutely nothing to do with ‘truth’ or ‘justice’ and all people working in the system know it.

I do not have any illusions that ‘magistrates’ are the same mongrels as ‘judges’ in higher courts – they are just lawyers therefore by definition they are arrogant morons. They will try the most idiotic excuses as not to let a wog prove them wrong, but by doing so they will give me the opportunity to show them as they are.

In my case I got the opportunity to utilize magistrate stupidity of ‘pleading on your behalf’.
As the evidence I have the transcript of the court hearing. (page 5 and 6)

When asked - I said that ‘I am not pleading anything’ (the right to remain silent) and that threw the spanner into wretched mechanism. It worked for me because I had an idiot magistrate who did not know how to deal with that . Ms SHERYL LOUISE CORNACK said in reply – ‘I will enter a plea of not guilty on his behalf’ – and she made the note in court papers to that effect. Queensland universities for lawyers are just moron factories – and she is good example of that.
* At that time I was not incapacitated, un-able or legally restrained to make the decision in my own matter, while representing myself in court.

* I did not authorise CORNACK to represent me and to plead on my behalf. She broke
the cardinal rule (fictitious but religiously claimed) of independence of judiciary by acting on behalf of one of the parties in court before her and she committed criminal offence
of falsifying court records.

* Ms CORNACK created quite a confusion to understanding how the legal system operates by making a pleading to herself, indicating that she could be suffering from split personality disorder or another serious mental problem.

* Ms CORNACK is in breach of the rule “Nemo iudex in causa sua” (Latin for no one (is a) judge in (his) own case) by representing me and pleading on my behalf while at the same time she was supposed to be an independent arbitrator 'hearing' that case.

* Another issue is that by pleading to the charge (to herself) she became the 'owner' of the charge, responsible for it with all the liabilities. She pleaded voluntarily of her own free will – she chose to do it as:
- I did not ask her to plead for me,
- I did not authorise her to plead for me
- as the magistrate she is not allowed to represent one of the parties and act on behalf of one of the parties
- Ms CORNACK simply raised her hand and said ‘I will take it over for myself ’ and legally and lawfully her pleading stands (it has not been 'withdrawn') as the admission of accountability.

There are certain rules if Ms CORNACK claims that she is acting as the magistrate of Magistrate Court. Otherwise it will be just 'CORNACK BULLYING ENTERPRISE'

I prepared a few applications to deal with various scenarios, eg I did not know if it will be CORNACK in court, or someone else (it was Jason Schubert).
I did not collected the brief of evidence from Police as ‘directed’ because this is just an ‘abra cadabra’ rule by magistrates to cooperate with police in bulling people.
As it does not have any legal, lawful reference – I proved that it can be just ignored.
I prepared an application to deal with that, but it was not necessary, as the magistrate told police to give me the brief and they had it ready.
'Judicial Registrar' Schubert smelled the trouble and quickly adjourned the matter promising to deal with that after I review the police evidence.
If he is hoping to avoid giving an answer to that issue I am preampting it by lodging my applications now. Apparently, he is supposed to look at the facts before the court.

Applications being lodged in court

1.magistrate CORNACK is just a moron

2.magistrate CORNACK to be liable for the police charge

3.police to give me the brief of evidence UNUSED

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