Queensland Attorney - General

After some changes in the political arena I am trying to bring to their attention the appalling state , corruption and the rule of mafia in Queensland legal system .
The copy of my latest correspondence ( February 2013 ) to Attorney General and also to the new Premier of Queensland .

Not surprisingly on 07.03.2013 I received the same type of rubbish from the new guy .
Bureaucracy and the people inside it work according to the same principle - put the head in the sand and if someone shakes you up pretend confusion and inability .
HIGHEST LEGAL OFFICER in that glorious state of Queensland publically ignores the fact of protection of a criminal by a government institution ( declared as a wrongdoer by that institution ! ) and remains totally silent when it comes to Queensland barristers . TSHHHHH - they do not exist !

Do we really need such mongrels to ' govern ' us ? We need to tidy up those ' belorutchkies ' .

Some of the correspondence with the office of the previous ( labour ) Queensland Attorney General , Paul Lucas.
I have sent Mr Lucas , after his appointment as Queensland Attorney General , the letter which included copies of the photographs used by Qld DPP for my conviction , you can see them in ....../issues3 .

The first letter is written by Jessica Collins who is his Senior Policy Adviser.
Ms Collins repeats old mantra that in Queensland the Government Institutions are said to do the right thing ALL the time therefore , even if they do not , the dogma takes precedence .

Second letter is written by another fine public servant , Tess Bishop , repeating again the same mantra about theorethical workings of Queensland Department of Public Prosecutions . And again you find attempt to play ping pong .

Is it being ' soft ' on crime or is it collusion ???????

Those are the letters from the office of the HIGHEST LEGAL OFFICER in that glorious state of Queensland when provided with the evidence of criminal act committed by another QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT .

Next letters ( 5 Sept 2011 , 16 Sept 2011 ) are no different .
Like a stuffed computer displaying ad infinitum the same error messages until someone mercifully resets it .
They almost expect you to feel sorry for them , because unfortunately they themselves can not do anything - that terrible ' law ' puts limitations what they can do but ( do not loose hope ) there is someone else who might help .
It does not matter that those are the people who framed me up and unlikely will admit it - the letter has to appear to be ' helpful ' .
Aren`t we lucky to have such people in our government , looking after out interests ?

The people from the highest government legal office in the state of Queensland are actually implying that Queensland Police and Department of Public Prosecutions are sheltered workshops where real criminals have to be protected ! ?

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